The Community Prosperity Fund is a $25 million investment from the Government of B.C. showcasing their commitment to supporting the non-profit sector and empowering local communities to make local decisions.
The Cortes Island Community Foundation will be distributing $105,000 to advance poverty reduction and social inclusion this summer, as part of the Community Prosperity Fund. Cortes Island Community Foundation is accepting new applications through the online application portal.
The Opportunity:
This fund is geared at making a meaningful impact by addressing social determinants of health, including but not limited to social connectivity, transportation, housing, food security, and education.
What We Offer:
- Local Focus: Your application will be reviewed by a Cortes Island community jury, ensuring your project addresses specific needs for Cortes Island.
- Flexible Funding: Grants can range from $5,000 to $40,000 to support operational expenses, expand existing projects, or create new initiatives.
- Multi-year Support: You have up to three years to implement your project, allowing you to pace activities according to your organization’s needs.
Cortes Island Community Foundation Priorities:
We will prioritize applications that:
- Involve community partnerships and collaborations: We believe stronger connections within the community lead to more effective solutions.
- Fill an urgent gap in the community or seeds a multi-year initiative: Funding will prioritize addressing immediate needs while also encouraging sustainable solutions.
- Have limited or no access to other funding: We aim to support initiatives that might struggle to secure funding elsewhere.
Data and Impact:
We are committed to data-driven decision making. The CICF is currently undertaking its first vital signs project to gather relevant data on community needs and social determinants of health.
In the meantime, we encourage applicants to share any existing data on project needs and potential impact. We are also happy to discuss current data gaps and how your project can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of local issues.
Getting Started:
Here is a one-page summary of the program. We strongly encourage you to read the Applicant Guide for detailed information about the program, eligibility criteria, and application procedures.
The deadline to apply is June 24, 2024. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Andrea andrea@cortesfoundation.ca.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Funded by the Government of British Columbia through the Community Prosperity Fund.