Grant Report

We highly encourage that you post on Tideline ( a description of your project and how it went. We appreciate if you’d mention that the Grants-in-Aid are awarded from the Strathcona Regional District with support from the Cortes Island Community Foundation. Bonus if you share a video and/or photos with us and with your community!

    What organization received the grant?

    Name of a contact person if we have any questions about the program?

    Did any other organizations partner to help with this project?

    What year was this grant awarded?

    What was the general timeframe of your project (please include year)?

    Tell us about the project? (or paste your Tideline description). We’d love details about someone that was impacted, why you think this was important, and how it was received.

    Is there anything you’d have done differently or advice you can share for someone doing something similar in the future?

    What’s one or two things we could do to improve the Grants in Aid process?

    Please share photos and or videos that we might have permission to use.
    Photo 1:
    Photo 2:
    Photo 3:
    Photo 4:
    Photo 5:
    Video Link 1:
    Video Link 2:
    Video Link 3:

    Alternatively you can email video links to