Community Granting

One of our top priorities as a community foundation is to provide financial support to our community. This can take a number of forms. Most of the time community granting is funds that goes directly to organizations that are doing the work to improve the lives of those within our community. Typically, this happens as a community foundation receives donations and builds its endowment or directed funds, one example of this is the Care 4 Cortes fund where the moneys donated go directly to granting.  As a community foundation we also have access to one-time larger funds that come from organizations such as the Community Foundations of Canada or the Canadian Government. In 2023, we were able to disperse approximately $160,000 back into the Cortes Island community through the Recovery Fund and Fund for Gender Equality.

We are particularly proud of our diverse and transparent community jury process. These juries bring their own experience and wisdom and use a scoring matrix relevant to each individual grant to help determine how the funding should be dispersed throughout our community.


Care4Cortes Fund

The Care4Cortes Fund helps to support the social profits working to care for Cortes by becoming their philanthropic partners. We help raise the money and then grant it back to the social profits doing the important work in our community.

MicroGrants for Neighbours

Learn more about past projects and how neighbours are using small amounts of money to make a big difference.


The Grants in Aid is a program of the Strathcona Regional District. The Community Foundation works with a team of jurors and the current Regional Director to disperse up to $25,000 annually towards supporting the Cortes Island nonprofits and charities to create meaningful projects in the community.