The Care4Cortes Fund of the Cortes Island Community Foundation provides philanthropic support to the community of Cortes…
Cortes Community Social Profit Network
Much of the essential, ecological, and social services available on Cortes are provided through the social profit community of Cortes…
Micro Grants for Neighbours
The MicroGrants 4 Neighbours program gets small amounts of money (usually $50 to $500) directly into the hands of neighbours doing important things for the community…
Assessing Community Needs
Small communities struggle to know themselves, without access to census data, housing information, and poverty statistics that are available to larger communities…
Cortes Island Academy
Community Economic Development Association to be one of the largest barriers to creating a resilient local economy and to keeping families on Cortes…
Education Scholarships
Community Economic Development Association to be one of the largest barriers to creating a resilient local economy and to keeping families on Cortes…